On the eve of returning back to school after winter break, I have had the chance to reflect back on 2011. While others did this last week, I am taking the opportunity to do so now, as I spent most of the break off-line, enjoying my family and the holiday.
2011 was a very good year for my family and I professionally and personally. The issues which presented challenges over the past four years seem to be in our rear-view mirror. My eldest daughter is striking off on her own and beginning her own journey. I am happy she seems to be healthy and she is traveling down an alternative route which will be good for her. My wife’s music program at her school seems to be flourishing.
For me, I am pleased with all that I have been able to accomplish. I have returned to the classroom and am loving the daily interactions with my pre-Algebra students. I have begun introducing more project based work in class and have slowly begun flipping the classroom. The second semester promises to be exciting. I was able to run a week-long workshop in design thinking. I also have been able to spend this fall helping teachers get comfortable with their newly transformed learning spaces.
While I have not been as active in my PLN as I have been previously, I continued to webcast with Alex Ragone and arvind grover on 21st Century Learning. I led two Google Webinars and did one presentation at the Global Educational Conference. I led workshops at the National Association of Independent Schools conference (NAIS), the Illinois Computer Educators Conference, the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) conference, and the Laptop Institute. One of my workshops at the ISTE conference was selected “best of the best” for which I am honored. I was selected to the ISTE Independent School Special Interest Group Executive Board.
So all and all, a very successful year. Tomorrow’s post will look forward to 2012.