We utilized a low tech method of capturing where participants comfort with collaborative tools. A great conversation starter to connect individuals. One goal achieved for our workshop, connecting folks. Posted via email from Vinnie’s posterous
Month: February 2011
Breaking the Mold
After a really late arrival, I got up to have a pre-workshop run through with our team of presenters for “Creating Connected Teachers”. When my co-facilitators arrived in the room, there were rows and rows of chairs. This is a physical space which is not conducive for 30+ leaders and administers to learn and connect in the 21st Century. So after a bit of labor, we created a space better suited for our journey today. Posted via email from Vinnie’s posterous
NAIS Bound
This year, I am making my first trip to the National Association of Independent School Annual conference. While I have attended many other large conferences, such as ISTE/NECC, I am both nervous and excited. I am nervous because I do not have a complete sense of the audience. I have attended regional conference, but this is the big leagues. I am co-leading a three hour workshop on how to incorporate the use of social media to enhance professional development. I was also invited to be one of the speed innovators. Thias presentation type is going to challenging for me, since […]
Rising above the White Noise
Today, I was interviewed by Cary Harrod, the Instructional Technology Specialist at the Forest Hills School District near Cincinnati, Ohio. Her question was why shifting to 21st Century Learning practices was important. I shared my vision of why it is important: Our goals as educators is guide our students through experiences that will help them learn how to craft and tell their story, in the medium of their strength, whether it be sculpture, dance, text, video, or audio, in such a way that it rises about the white noise of distraction and allows them to be identified, acknowledged, and heard. So too […]
The Community Rallies
I have come to rely on my extended learning community. It never fails that someone is always comes to my aid and helps me brainstorm, solve a problem, or point me in a direction I may or may not have known about when I started. Today, in the Chicago area, we experienced our third largest snowfall in history. We recently moved to a new home in the fall. What shocked me was the sense of community on my street. All of my new neighbors were out, each helping each other shoveling the 18-24″ drifts that were deposited. Finish your drive, […]