Finding Time To Play

Yesterday, in my post about the lessons learned from the production of the Funky Snowman, I raised questions about how we can introduce “play” into the curriculum. I have been thinking about the last time that I felt that I was able to immerse myself within my own productivity. This occurred nearly two weeks ago on during a faculty work-day, when I was able to work on my own time free of the 45 minutes segments that a normal day brings. Also kicking around my mind are the ideas that I have gotten from reading the new Daniel Pink book, […]

Impressed by Posterous

At our NICE Mini-Conference and from my webcasting partner, Arvind Grover ( I became aware of I will admit that I have not spent as much time finishing blog posts as I have done in the past. There are several reasons for this. First, there have been many other aspects of my personal life which have required my attention. Secondly, I have a tenancy to write blog posts which I feel are much too long and detailed. I guess it is the function of my age, I want to fully describe what I am writing about. I have set up a […]

How Millennial Am I?

I scored 53/100 on the Pew Research Center How Millennial Are You? Quiz However, I would have scored a 72/100 if I hadn't watched various Olympic events for over an hour on my TiVo, including the Hockey tournament last evening. But while watching, I was composing a blog post and working on my presentation for the ICE conference, so I was multi-tasking. That makes a a Millennial, right? Score ranges:65+ (Silent) – 4/10045 – 65 (Baby Boomer) – 11/10045 – 30 (Gen X) – 33/10030 and Under (Millennial) – 73/100 As a Baby Boomer by chronology, I guess I […]

Tufts University Allows YouTube as Part of Apps

From the New York Times: To Impress, Tufts Prospects Turn to YouTube By TAMAR LEWIN Published: February 22, 2010 MySpace Yahoo! Buzz P MEDFORD, Mass. — There are videos showing off card tricks, horsemanship, jump rope and stencils — and lots of rap songs, including one by a young woman who performed two weeks after oral surgery, with her mouth still rubber-banded shut. There is also Rhaina Cohen’s video, working off the saying “You never truly know someone until you have walked a mile in her shoes,” and featuring the blue sandals from her bat mitzvah, the white sneakers she bought cheaply […]

Funky Snowman – Lessons Learned

Last week, as a one of the culminating events of our Poetry Festival, we were treated to the midwest premier of the play, The Funky Snowman. This show was inspired by Calef Brown’s poem of the same name. This play was written and directed by Wendy Bable. It was a fun and delightful experience, with some fun dancing and a delightful reminder for all of us. I had the good fortune of being at one of the rehearsals on Sunday, before the Wednesday performance. I was privy to the collaboration between Bable and two actors, Betsy Cummings who played Fritzi […]