Growing Pains at NECC’s EduBloggerCon 08

Yesterday was the second EduBloggerCon which I have attended. Unlike the first one I attended at NECC-Atlanta, I was not anticipating this as much as I did last year. Part of it was wondering if this event was overly hyped and would not be able to meet the higher expectations. My experience this year was one which was mixed. I enjoyed being able to connect with friends, both old and new, and I did participate in a few sessions, such as the discussion of Clay Shirkey’s Here Comes Everybody, that captured the essense and excitement that I felt last year. […]

NECC – A Call for Arms?

This morning while trying to process EduBloggerCon, I went to my RSS reader to see what others were thinking and saying. I came upon Jeff Utecht’s post about his experiences at EduBloggerCon and it piqued my interest. I too worry about the impact that a scheduled NECC Unplugged will have on the spontaneous nature of the Blogger’s Cafe and the informal connections which were made last year in Atlanta. This was best  demonstrated in Atlantanwhen we commundeared a plasma display to hold impromptu demonstrations where were were all able to learn. Since this is my first visit to San Antonio, […]

Surviving NECC, pt. 2

In my last post, I shared my strategies for surviving NECC from a professional standpoint, that fact that you need to be willing to take risks and connect with others, for we have much to learn from one another. Today, I want to focus on the other aspects that I feel are important to survive NECC. Fruits and Vegetables – One has to pay attention to making sure that you get proper nurishment, including fruits and vegetables. Too many fast foods will tire you out. Exercise – I find that a good walk to and from the convention center to […]