Normally, I do use this blog to advertise for connections. However, we were hoping to connect one of our Senior History electives with another school via the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) Challenge 20/20 project. The Challenge 20/20 project creates connections between classrooms around one of the 20 problems outlines in J.F. Rischard’s High Noon: 20 Global Problems to Solve in 20 Years.
We are looking for a school(s) who would want to collaborate on a unit project with our Senior Economics class which will be held in the second semester. We were unable to submit this project, since the Challenge 20/20 projects need to be completed by January 2008 and this class rums from January 2008 to June 2008.
Our economics teacher, Tim Curren, initially wanted to pursue the War on Drugs challenge in his course, although we may be able to negotiate a different problem to have the students collaborate on.
Please contact me if you would be interested in such a collaboration.
Hey Vinnie. I’m game. I’ll be forwarding this along to my history department and see if we have any takers. Thanks! – Alex
Sounds interesting, but I don’t see much of the content or intention on this page. Could you please tell me more about it? I am a history teacher at Collegiate School in NYC.
LeeAnna, at this point, we are looking for partners and can determine the nature of the project if you are interested.
Tag… you’re it!