Like many of you, especially those of you who work at independent schools, you are asked to do a variety of different tasks. In my case, in addition to the responsibilities as the Director of Academic Technology (teaching one class per year, working with teachers to develop and deliver individual professional development plans, working with classes of students and teachers as they acquire the discrete sets of technology skills), I am a student adviser, I am the person responsible for creating our High School Master Schedule, I am one of the co-founders of our Middle School and High School Science […]
Month: November 2006
My Online Conference Experiences
The past three weeks have provided wonderful professional development opportunities for me and at the same time have created a tension which these new opportunites create. During this time, I have been trying to keep with the content and conversations provided by both the K12 Online Conference and the New York City Independent School Technologists conference in Mohonk. Because both of these conferences have made their presentations available via a variety of different modes, podcasts, vidcasts, and screencasts. Via the variety of blogs and aggregators, such as hitchhikr, I have been able to gather the notes and follow the conversation […]